Sarah Samorodnitsky


I am a postdoctoral research fellow at Fred Hutch Cancer Center working with Dr. Michael Wu in the SWOG group. 

I recently completed my PhD in the Division of Biostatistics at the University of Minnesota in Minneapolis, MN where I worked with Dr. Eric Lock in the Division of Biostatistics and Dr. Christine Wendt at the University of Minnesota Medical School. 

Previously, I was an adjunct faculty member in the Graduate Programs in Software at the University of St. Thomas in St. Paul, MN. 

Research Interests

I am currently working on developing methods for single cell spatial omics data with applications in immuno-oncology. My dissertation research focused on developing statistical methods for analyzing multi-source (typically multi-omic) datasets. I have worked in several disease areas, including cancer, lung disease, and COVID-19. 

Other Academic Interests

Beyond research, I am interested in teaching statistics, encouraging others to pursue biostatistics as a career, and leveraging biostatistics to serve the community. This interest motivated me to help start the Biostatistics Community Outreach and Engagement Committee at the University of Minnesota. I also previously served as the chair of ENAR's Council for Emerging and New Statisticians (CENS)

Miscellaneous Interests

Outside of work, I enjoy running, reading books, photography*, and bird watching!

*Header photo was taken September 2020 on 35mm film at Tettegouche State Park, MN.